Zornia Tetti

Long Tail Keywords

It`s best to be the first in a small crowd than the last one in a big crowd. You can lose lots of benefits if you don`t know how to choose the correct keywords for your web site. Keyword selection is seen as one of the most important steps in web site optimisation. To give you a little of a headache, I have to announce you that there two types of keywords: narrow or short keywords and broad or long tail keywords.

Short keywords consist of only one or two word/s, while long tail keywords can consist of three, four or even more words or a phrase. For example, internet marketing is a narrow keyword, while internet marketing in Marin County is a long tail keyword. It`s best not to push the limits and choose too looong keywords; five or six words is the limit I suggest you to stick with.

How Long Tail Keywords Work
Look for your competition and what it is doing before you start optimizing your web site. If you have to deal with competitors with an old online presence and a stable position on the market, I suggest you to get deeper into your niche market and use long tail keywords.

Advantages of Using Long Tail Keywords
There`s less competition. Optimizing your web site for narrow keywords might take a long period of time and your business might suffer or close meanwhile. If your business is new on the market and unless you sell something that`s totally new, something that nobody has sold before (nowadays, that`s tough to find something like this), you need to use long tail keywords because your competition might have optimized its sites for one year, two years, or n years, and they`re long way ahead you. On the other side, for less popular keywords competition is less tight and you have real chances for your site to show up in the first search results.

Higher conversion rate. If people type for long tail keywords, like internet marketing in Marin County, be sure that they are really interested in that topic. While narrow keywords bring more traffic, long tail keywords attract qualified leads that easily convert into sales. So, if you`re competing on broad keywords, you stand good chances to get in contact with people interested in your products or services.

Long tail keywords are less popular than narrow keywords and they also bring less traffic, but the conversion rate is higher and, after all, this is what matters: to close more deals in less time.

Keywords Tools You Can Find on the Internet
For some broader keywords, Google cannot give you sufficient information about their popularity, but it doesn`t mean that people are not conducting search queries related to them. That`s why I recommend you to use several keywords tools to get to a closer look of the situation.

Free Keywords Tools
Google AdWords
Keyword Discovery

If you`re site is not new, Google Analytics can also suggest you some keywords based on the traffic records and landing data. Use them for a better site optimisation.

Long Tail Keywords